Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day

There are a few other photos from Christmas 2008 a few postings down, just thought I'd share with you a handful more.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Boxing Day and Happy New Year to all our friends and family!

Quilts by Corrine

Our family's long-time friend and novel-consuming seamstress, Corrine, has yet again graced us with a beautiful, home-stitched quilt, this time for Sammy.

Corrine presented Ericka and I with a cool "kimono" quilt for our wedding gift years ago and when Miki was born she sent another very colorful, vibrant quilt for our first child. For Christmas this year she did it again. Using some of the same patterns found in Miki's quilt, Sam's quilt is slightly larger and decorated with stars.
In honor of Corrine's love of books, I have recently been spreading all 3 quilts out on the floor for the girls' story time.

Thank you, Corrine.


Snow. Still got it. This morning, Boxing Day, woke to more fat flurries coming down. It didn't last too long here (moved over the Strait of Georgia and terrorized Vancouver for the rest of the day) but it was very wet, heavy and ripe for snowmen and merrymaking.

Mama and Miki built a little "house" on the back deck and rolled a snowman on the front lawn. I strolled around outside with Sam strapped to my chest until she fell asleep and then headed inside to read a book by the fire.

Oh, right, the spider. I was walking around with Sam, as I said, when I happened across a daddy long-leg gingerly picking its way across the snow! I don't ever recall in my 36 years ever seeing a spider on snow. I could be mistaken but the novelty struck me nonetheless.

The 25th

We didn't get up too early Christmas morning, around 8:30am I think. Took our time getting downstairs and then set to work warming the Apple Strudel and brewing some fine black tea.

Miki ran first to the stockings, completely oblivious to the 9 foot tree in the corner! Santa brought her a little figurine of an owl and some great ("painless education") placemats for her seat at the dining table. A map of Canada, the sign language alphabet and horses from around the world. Truth be told, the map is for Ericka, the sign language for myself and the horses for Miki. Anyway...

Grammy & Gramps gave Miki a new doll and a set of clothes for the doll and a book about an Elf. Nana & Pop gave Miki a made-in-Vermont activity bag filled with crayons. She scored a couple of books from her great grandmother Nanny and great aunt Dianna. Thank you to all.

Towards the afternoon, just before nap time, I put together a lamb shank stew in the slow cooker. Lots of onions, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, orange juice, stock, brown sugar and diced tomatoes. After naps, and yes, I'm not too proud as to admit that the whole family took them, aren't the holidays great? Ericka whipped up a bowl of polenta just before dinner and we served it alongside the lamb. A nice glass of red wine and voila, Christmas Dinner.


Thanks for the CD, mom (Lou Donaldson, Gravy Train). Great music, it even surprised me. Miki is enjoying it as well!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Monkey PJ's

A number of weeks ago, when Nana & Pop were visiting, Nana brought Miki a great set of bunny PJ's. I think a big hug & thank you to Evan is in order, too.

A tradition among the Hendrix family is to open one present on Christmas Eve: The Christmas PJ's! It's great fun, I enjoyed being a part of it when we lived in Vermont (always good for a laugh at someone's expense) and so we're keeping it alive in B.C. This year Grammy sent Miki a very similar set to the bunny variety mentioned above, instead of floppy ears, it's a monkey. No sorry, I should correct that, they are "Monkey See, Monkey Do Pajamas".
I should also mention the wild holiday penguin pillowcase. Sweet dreams.
Thank you, Grandmothers, for keeping our Miki snug in cozy PJ's the whole winter thru.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I'm thrilled to report that our Christmas Eve Apple Strudel Bake Extravaganza is alive and well. Ericka and Miki climbed back into the kitchen this evening after dinner and got to work layering 'das strudel' with apples, spices, raisins, walnuts and lots of love!

The finished product, foil-wrapped in front of me on the counter in fact, will be savored tomorrow morning alongside a fresh pot of Yorkshire Gold English tea.

My girls are certainly learning how to make Papa happy and content this holiday season: go for the stomach and show no mercy!

To Mel, my black-tea-partner-in-crime, thanks for the recipe; unfortunately we can't share a pot early tomorrow, but 'cheers' nonetheless.
And to all, whether it's tea or coffee on Christmas morning, I wish you all a great first cup.
Erika-san, otsukaresama deshita. Tanoshimi ni...
Long-live the Apfelstrudel tradition!

Apple Strudel

And that's a wrap, folks. The 2008 strudel is finished. Wish ya'll could've tasted it!

Gingerbread Man, meet Frosty

A day or two hence, Ericka and Miki made some gingerbread cookies and those that survived the subsequent devouring got a layer of frosted added. Oh, and a couple mini-M&M's to round out the ensemble.

Banana Bread

In between this morning's amazing gingerbread waffle (whole-wheat, sour cream, molasses) breakfast and what has lately become our ritual yard tour of new snow beauty and damage, Mama and Miki cranked out a banana bread.

And just as Miki and I were getting cold and wet and ready for a dash back inside to warm up with lunch, tea and a snack, Mama yells thru the window that the "bread is ready!"
We all munched on a light lunch of veggies, dried fruit, "ants on a log", a fresh pear and some roasted nuts. Then I brewed a small pot of ocha and for dessert, Miki cut into her first banana bread.
Sam and her belly sat around looking like no strangers to the baked goods.
Bon apetit, indeed.

Between the Lines

These are 5 shots that, although didn't fit neatly into any of the previous "categories", randomly illustrate this year's Christmas Eve morning.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

La Ladies

We don't often get to take family shots, heck even 3-member family shots, but a few days ago an opportunity presented itself.

I include this solo picture of Sam because I haven't been satisfied recently with the light and how it affects her in photographs. The intensity of her eyes in this shot, however, I like.

Cinnamon Buns

Before going to bed lastnight E whipped up a plate of 12 cinnamon sticky- buns for our morning tea snack. All I had to do was turn on the oven and stick them in. What a woman.

I woke first, completed my task and then sat back, tea in hand, for one very delicious memory. Yum. Cho oishikata desu!
(check out that snow in the background)