Saturday, September 27, 2008

Coming Soon...

Well, here we are at 38 weeks. Miki's sibling wil be making her grand entrance within these next 14 days. As a matter of fact, today was the first day in a long while that Ericka was feeling a bit "off", both physically and energy-level wise, prompting both of us to get various arrival day gear readied and the changing table maneuvered into position.

Will keep you posted, stay tuned...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Autumn is here

Hello and once again sorry for the long absence. We've been quite busy these last 2 months and I'm just getting around to all the "domestic chores" that await me. Spent 2.5 hours yesterday doing yard work, then off to the Farmer's Market and Miki's swimming lessons. There's still a monstrous pile of wood in my driveway that needs to be split and stacked before the rain comes and of course, before baby #2 arrives in early October.

E and I are getting certain rooms preped in anticipation of Miki's sibling. Still not sure what we'll actually do with Miki when E goes into labour; some friends have offered to help out and the midwives are suggesting a home birth as one possible solution. Hmmm...

Anyway, here are a few photos following the swimming lesson yesterday evening.