Friday, December 26, 2008


Snow. Still got it. This morning, Boxing Day, woke to more fat flurries coming down. It didn't last too long here (moved over the Strait of Georgia and terrorized Vancouver for the rest of the day) but it was very wet, heavy and ripe for snowmen and merrymaking.

Mama and Miki built a little "house" on the back deck and rolled a snowman on the front lawn. I strolled around outside with Sam strapped to my chest until she fell asleep and then headed inside to read a book by the fire.

Oh, right, the spider. I was walking around with Sam, as I said, when I happened across a daddy long-leg gingerly picking its way across the snow! I don't ever recall in my 36 years ever seeing a spider on snow. I could be mistaken but the novelty struck me nonetheless.

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