Monday, April 16, 2007

Lawn Care & Live Fire

This weekend was quite busy and action-packed: a fire on Saturday and major lawn maintenance on Sunday. The fire department that I'm a member of held a "live fire burn" just down the road and we used it as a chance to hold multiple controlled-scenario drills. Beginning at 8am on Saturday, we ran through numerous "what if" situations involving a structure fire. After lunch we lit the house on fire and ran a few more drills before finally just letting the structure burn to the ground. It was quite impressive, actually and hot - at one point our infrared heat gun read 946 degrees before climbing off the chart - it's only capable of 3 digit numbers! On Sunday Ericka and I got out the lawn tools and set about tackling 1 years worth of neglected lawn care in 1 day. The weather cooperated, as did Miki, so we got tons accomplished. Spring is here, it's warming up, the trees are budding and things are turning green once again...

Friday, April 13, 2007


Miki has taken a liking to our various remotes around the house so we thought it time she get her own. Ericka found a Sesame Street one, noisy little bugger, and we gave it to her on Easter. Some days she thinks it's a phone, other times she aims it at the t.v. And where would the Easter holiday have been without Peeps (Papa despises the gross, sugary mess, but who is he to say...) - a question posed by Miki herself...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hoppy Easter

We had a quiet day at home - Papa made eggs benedict with asparagus & ham, Miki & Mama dyed a few eggs & Miki made her first Easter cookies. She was completely taken by the idea of easter egg hunting (Mama's idea as Papa thought she was too young) and spent most of the day teetering around the house, basket in hand, putting plastic eggs in and out of her basket. It's now about 4 days after the fact & she still thinks it's a grand concept!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Bi-pedal at last!

The walking milestone has been reached! While we were in Seattle a few weeks ago Miki began to experiement with the bi-pedal world a bit more fully and as of recently she's taken it on in earnest - although yes, I know, not in this photo. The weather looks to be ok this long, 3-day Easter weekend & we're making plans to take a bike ride when we should really be doing some spring cleaning & lawn maintenance...nahh, it can wait.