Friday, December 26, 2008

The 25th

We didn't get up too early Christmas morning, around 8:30am I think. Took our time getting downstairs and then set to work warming the Apple Strudel and brewing some fine black tea.

Miki ran first to the stockings, completely oblivious to the 9 foot tree in the corner! Santa brought her a little figurine of an owl and some great ("painless education") placemats for her seat at the dining table. A map of Canada, the sign language alphabet and horses from around the world. Truth be told, the map is for Ericka, the sign language for myself and the horses for Miki. Anyway...

Grammy & Gramps gave Miki a new doll and a set of clothes for the doll and a book about an Elf. Nana & Pop gave Miki a made-in-Vermont activity bag filled with crayons. She scored a couple of books from her great grandmother Nanny and great aunt Dianna. Thank you to all.

Towards the afternoon, just before nap time, I put together a lamb shank stew in the slow cooker. Lots of onions, garlic, cinnamon, cloves, orange juice, stock, brown sugar and diced tomatoes. After naps, and yes, I'm not too proud as to admit that the whole family took them, aren't the holidays great? Ericka whipped up a bowl of polenta just before dinner and we served it alongside the lamb. A nice glass of red wine and voila, Christmas Dinner.

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