Saturday, March 29, 2008

Easter Adventure

1 part muddy hay ride, 1 frantic scramble for hidden eggs and a warm fire down by the Nanaimo River and what do you get? Our first Easter Sunday celebration with Miki.


Yawning Acres, a 60-acre hay farm just down the street a bit from us, held an Easter Egg Hunt, Hay Ride and Petting Zoo this past Easter Sunday. I had the day off and the weather that morning was fine; by late afternoon the clouds rolled in and it poured. Not before we managed to partake in all of the above activities, however.

The hay ride behind the muddy tractor was great and Miki brought along a little pink, plastic basket and rellished in looking for all the eggs Peter Rabbit left behind (she thinks the Easter Bunny is actually Peter Rabbit).

The evening prior we colored Easter eggs together. Mama even prepared an Easter basket for Sunday morning.

Kao of Miki

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Sunday, March 16, 2008




Got out Saturday afternoon for a spin down to see the "neighborhood's" menagerie of Angus cattle, Mallard ducks, horses and the lone donkey. One of the many sunny early spring benefits of living out in the bush.

There is a small, family-run cattle farm at the end of the road; we hear them "moo-ing" in the summer every morning about 6am. Around the corner from the cows are the 3 horses and across the street is the slightly-flooded field filled with quacking ducks. Another 10 minutes down the road is another family farm complete with the donkey. Miki is quite into donkeys. The little coarse-haired burro always sidles up to the white fence when Miki vists so she can pat him. No pictures of it all yet, but they'll be along soon enough...

Took these photos while we were gearing up for our jaunt to see the animals.

Purple Murasaki

Purple Purple. This is turning out to be Miki's favorite colour. Here she is kicking her purple ball (Heil!) and picking mama's purple flowers. Ooops, evidence.

Door frame

Caught her rather nicely framed within the door.

Laugh, laff, lafe

Rope (our dog) has this old throwing stick in the yard and the whole fetch routine never fails to make Miki giggle. We were out on the lawn yesterday playing with Rope and after throwing the stick one time I turned the camera quickly onto Miki and caught her laughing...

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Not sure what this is all about. Mama & Miki had a little photo shoot one afternoon. I must've been at work...

Frosty Walk

The past few mornings have been quite chilly here. We woke up twice last week to frost on the ground and we find ourselves starting the woodstove almost everynight. I hope spring truly is around the corner because my woodpile is getting low!

After tea one morning we bundled up (Miki in her new windbloc hooded fleece...thank you Nana & Pop!) and went for an early stroll.