Saturday, October 18, 2008

Carob Cake & Ice Cream

Mama & Miki threw together a Wacky Carob Cake this evening to celebrate the birthday of little Samantha. So following our dinner of BBQ burgers, Ericka broke out the Winne the Pooh party hats and lit a candle.

Ridin' High

The big sister is getting quite heavy so when Miki asked me to carry her home from our brief, 15-minute walk this morning I offered instead to sit her up on my shoulders. Thanks to Mama's suggestions, she had a grand time poking her little fingers into my ears and tickling me.

The Vitamin D Stroll

4 days in this world, Samantha finally made her first foray into the light of day early this morning. It was a beautiful fall day: crisp in the shade and toasty in the sun. We took a leisurely walk down the street to expose Sam to the blue wavelength/spectrum (sunshine!) and to see if the cows were in the field. They weren't.

The Big Sis'

A quick breakdown of the day:

E and I did not manage to get much sleep lastnight. Go figure. It was quite rough leaving the bed at 8am (hey, I laid down at 5:30!) and I knew there was no way I was going to make the veterinarian appointment scheduled for Rope at 9:20. I phoned and luckily they had an open slot 1 hour later.

Nonetheless, Miki, Rope and I still found ourselves scrambling out the door and into a downpour a little after 10. Mama & Sam stayed behind to sleep. The vet visit went fine; Rope is healthy.

From there the 3 of us went into town for a few items and on route I received a call from a colleague at work that the campus septic system was in trouble. By itself not a huge deal. However, beginning this Sunday we are hosting a 1-week, all day, overnight seminar for 35 people. Fabulous.

Anyway, other than that, things are going ok. Samantha is doing great and compared with Miki's birth, Ericka has rebounded "completely".

This evening, while getting the mise en place ready for our vegetable-tofu stirfry, I took a few classic photos of big sister Miki "reading" to wee Samantha.

Reading Time

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 2

Sam is a solid 1-day old and all is going well. I managed about 5 continuous hours sleep lastnight and Ericka was able to get about the same, although not consecutive. It's just after midnight now, the whole family is sleeping. It's raining outside, about 46 degrees, but the woodstove is burning cozy.

On a completely different note: How about our man Obama?! Did everyone watch that 3rd debate tonight? Incredible. I believe it was quite obvious who is going to be moving into the White House in January and it won't be that out-of-touch, grumpy old man! Yeeehaaa!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Samantha Soleil Cote

Our second miracle arrived safe and sound this morning, October 14, 2008 at 3:45am. At 8lbs. 1oz. she's a tad heavier than her older sister. Sam was a homebirth baby and I must admit, if we could deliver Miki over again and IF we have a 3rd (doubt it), our first choice would be a birth at home. It was so comfortable for all of us and best of all it allowed Miki to continue slumbering in her own bed while Mama, Papa, our 2 midwives (Margaret & Yvanne) and our amazing doula (Lorie) buckled down to the business.

At around 8:45pm the night before the 3 of us climbed into bed for what Ericka and I suspected would be a rather short-lived nap. An hour later Ericka was downstairs on the couch breathing thru some early contractions. I joined her at 10:45pm, started a fire in the woodstove, took a bath and brewed some tea for the long night ahead. Around this time Ericka made the calls to the midwives and the doula. The first midwife arrived at midnight and I set about "prepping" the house. Lorrie arrived at 1am and by this time E was firmly in labour. We all busied ourselves quietly in the dimly lit house, encouraging Ericka and helping her find best positions. At around 3:00am E announced that she felt ready to relocate to a more suitable room. Midwifery "accoutrements" were unpacked and set in place and at around 3:30am E began pushing. 18 minutes later she was holding Samantha, cord still attached, on her lap.

For those of you in the know, this scant 20 minutes is quite mind boggling seeing as how her older sister took almost a full 4 hours!

Miki woke up soon after I cut the cord and I carried her downstairs to see her new sister. She was visibly pleased, happy and excited. Straight away she wanted to hold her.

At around 5am this morning the midwives took their leave and at 7am Lorrie departed. I gave Miki some yogurt & raisins and then the 2 of us climbed into our bed with a sticker book and a pen, her entertainment and my ploy of distraction for a meager 20 minutes of sleep. Mama & Sam reclined on the couch in front of the fire.

Needless to say, the rest of the day was rough going on such little proper sleep. It's now 8:45pm, 24 hours hence, Ericka & Sam are sleeping on the couch, Miki is crashed out upstairs in her bed and I'm headed for my mattress.

Thanks to all the family and friends who phoned us this afternoon with their thoughts and congratulations.

Good night...

Sam photos

A few more, October 14th, 2008.

Ta daaa!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall Fotos

Autumn Stroll

The rain stopped briefly yesterday evening and the clouds parted long enough to warrant a family walk. Unlike the splendor in Vermont, we don't get the full spectrum of fall folliage here, just a few shades of yellow and orange.

E is doing well; very large but not uncomfortable. Today is Sunday and we are anticipating (hoping for?) an exciting week when Miki's sibling enters the world and joins our family already in progress.

Stay tuned...