Sunday, August 31, 2008

Goin' to church?

That's what E said when she saw these pics. Miki got all gussied-up for an evening soiree on Saturday night. A good friend of ours is leaving the Island for the Alberta side of the Rockies and some friends held a "sobetsukai", as the Japanese would say or, "going away" party. It was very enjoyable; we caught up with lots of friends we haven't seen in a while and ate some delicious, Mexican-themed foods. The favorite was a creamy guacamole, heavy on the garlic.

This afternoon we drove into Victoria to pick up some camping items I need for an up-coming hike and sat on the curb (briefly) in Chinatown to watch a celebration kick-off. Our dwindling parking meter time prevented us from actually seeing anything!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Still here...

Sorry for the long hiatus. The month of August was an absolute gong show for me at work. A total of 56 students came thru our doors in a matter of weeks and in between groups I found myself "guiding" 2 visiting professors for 2 nights up in the mountains, all in preparation for a longer program which begins this Thursday! 11 University women from the Dept. of Education are coming for a 12-day program; 3 nights of which will be camping and hiking in the Forbidden Plateau.

Mama and Miki are doing fine. Another month or so and baby #2 will be arriving. Here are a few photos from our mid-afternoon picnic yesterday.