Sunday, January 3, 2010

Down by the river...

Although I forget the name of the river... Anyway, Miki and I saddled up in the Voodoo-Chariot train and headed out for a ride on this blustery winter day. Our first stop was the atm machine, followed by the video store. We stopped for our river-side lunch in a small farming valley and ate salmon oni-giri (rice balls) and meat-wrapped asparagus.

Of course Miki wanted to get down close to the water and we eventually found a set of concrete steps that led down to the river. After a few minutes hanging around watching the Kingfishers swoop in for bugs and the large Carp swaying in the ripples, we re-boarded the "bicycle train" and headed for the grocery store for a few items.

I love getting out of doors with Miki this way; it's a great way for us to explore our part of the Yokohama countryside and bond as papas & daughters only know how to do.

Not to mention the exercise I get hauling a 15 kg. girl around.

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