Saturday, December 29, 2007

Christmas 2007 photos cont...

Here are a few more photos taken on Christmas morning.

Miki was extremely lucky this season in that it seems Santa visited Tokyo first before coming to our house and brought 2 great gifts from his Japanese elves: One was a little, battery-operated barking dog (I know, not that bothersome, really, despite what you may be thinking) that also scampers across the floor. The other present came from a good friend whom we know from years ago during out time living in Tokyo. She comes from a "genki" and talented family; in fact, Ericka used to work alongside her father (the science teacher) in the elementary school when we were teaching in Japan. This other gift, ironically enough, was a small wooden duck on wheels and attached to a red leather leash. When you pull the wee duck along the wings flap. Completely unreliant on battery power. I guess Santa had time to visit his Sony workshop and the Japanese-Amish toy workshop!

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