Tuesday, January 4, 2011


In Japan, the first few days of the new year are an important time for families to visit a local, Shinto shrine to pay respects and also ask for kind benevolence throughout the coming year. This occasion is called "Hatsumode" (hot-tsu-moe-day) and 2 days ago we visited Kashima-Jinja in Machida with our good friends, the Koizumi's.

Following our commune with the various Gods that inhabit this particular shrine, we made our way to a restaurant for refreshments and food.

Kampaii kami-sama!! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!


Unknown said...

Happy New Year!
I went to Kahima-Jinja too :)

JOCON said...

Beautiful- the full impression of Japan, for sure! TJ, I found out yesterday that my cousin, Bob Clark, has a pair of Japanese chopsticks given to him by Grampa Cowan in 1944, when Grampa returned from WWII. I am trying to contact him to give to us!