Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hibiya Patio

It's called "Hibiya Patio". Hibiya is the name of the neighborhood and I guess this would be the communal patio. Basically someone (or some people) have taken a bunch of shipping containers, painted them all nice and eco-green and eco-brown and found some trendy uses for them. A couple of them are "art spaces", a whack of 'em are devoted to toiletry issues but most of them are simply open to (for?) whatever.

I must admit, it was a nice place to stumble upon just around a late lunch hour. Parked in close proximity I found a number of "lunch vehicles", so common in the U.S. but quite rare in Japan. One caught my eye because they were BBQ-ing chicken and serving it over rice, heaps of fresh steamed veggies and a saffron cream sauce. Couldn't resist. Plunked myself down in a nice wooden "patio" chair, grabbed a cold green tea from the vending machine and enjoyed my Hibiya Patio time.

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