Sunday, December 14, 2008


I was raking leaves at home yesterday afternoon (Saturday) around 3pm when, as we used to say in Vermont, it began "spitting snow". Very fine at first, almost like a mist. 2 hours later the spit had turned to big fat flakes and they were sticking. A great sign. After dinner, around 7pm, I flipped on the outdoor floodlight to take inventory. About 5 cm. had accumulated and it showed no signs of weakening.

I was up the following morning a bit before 6am and went downstairs to stoke the woodstove. Once again, I hit the floodlight: Holy spindrift! A white Christmas! I love snow and every time it brings back so many memories associated with growing up in northern New England: trees laden white, quiet forests, cutting trails, making temporary "furniture" and of course, snow days! Now that she's almost three, this time around I was so excited to share it with Miki.
A bit before 8am Miki woke up. We had a quick and delicious breakfast (see Blueberry Soda Bread, below), wiggled into our polypro and fleece, suited up and jumped out the door.

I don't know if it's because I feel (on some level) that I'm getting older and more appreciative of the "smaller details" or just that I miss terribly living in a consistently snowy environment, but the scenery and atmosphere outside my door this morning was breathtaking. 'Giddy' would be an apt description for our mood and it was contagious.

We spent about 2 hours outside wallowing in the stuff before I could convince Miki that she needed to take a break. Trying to tell an-almost 3-year old that the snow wasn't going anywhere, we can come right back outside later, is an absolute waste of energy.
The fresh air and exertion later put all 3 girls into a deep, 2-hour nap.

The snow finally stopped, around 1pm. 16 inches in 21 hours.

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