Sunday, August 31, 2008

Goin' to church?

That's what E said when she saw these pics. Miki got all gussied-up for an evening soiree on Saturday night. A good friend of ours is leaving the Island for the Alberta side of the Rockies and some friends held a "sobetsukai", as the Japanese would say or, "going away" party. It was very enjoyable; we caught up with lots of friends we haven't seen in a while and ate some delicious, Mexican-themed foods. The favorite was a creamy guacamole, heavy on the garlic.

This afternoon we drove into Victoria to pick up some camping items I need for an up-coming hike and sat on the curb (briefly) in Chinatown to watch a celebration kick-off. Our dwindling parking meter time prevented us from actually seeing anything!

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