Saturday, December 22, 2007

Live fire training 2007

A good friend recently introduced me to a new photo-sharing site called, Bubbleshare. I had trouble lastnight trying to incorporate it into this blog page, everything I tried failed. My initial attempt was to place it over on the top, right-hand margin to add some more material to that field but it just wouldn't work. Then it occured to me lastnight (while I was trying to get some sleep) that maybe I should just cut and paste it into an actual "posting". Well, that's the first thing I tried this morning and voila! Success! I'm planning to add more of these "active" screens in the future; a great way to share more photos and provide some dynamic life to the blog. Enjoy...

FYI: these photos were taken in February 2007.

BubbleShare: Share photos - Cheap Hotels Vegas

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